St. Luke's Primary School

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Year 6

Year 6 team (ID 1121)


Welcome to Year 6 - Please view our Meet the Teacher presentation here. 

Our Year Six class teachers are Mrs Taylor and Mr Nickless. Mr. Ware teaches Maths, Reading and Writing in Year 6 sets and our teaching assistant is Mrs Jones.

We work hard to develop skills and an increasingly independent and mature approach towards learning, which prepares the children for a smooth transition to high school. 

Children are streamed into three ability groups for Maths and English, allowing for smaller class sizes and a focus on the needs of the individual. We encourage a strong relationship between home and school and are keen to work alongside parents and carers to provide a challenging, stimulating and supported education.  There are many exciting opportunities for the children to learn through a new broad and creative curriculum.

Year 6 SATs will take place W/C 13th May 2024 the tests are statutory not optional. There will be a meeting in the Spring Term to discuss the tests.

In the event you may wish to contact staff for any reason, the following email addresses are available:

Mr R Nickless:

Miss N Cox: 

Mr D Ware (Deputy Headteacher):


Some photos have been removed due to children not having photo consent for the website. Please use these for personal use and do not share them on social media, out of respect for other parent's wishes. 
Thank you!