St. Luke's Primary School

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Year 4

Year 4 team (ID 1123)


Welcome to Year 4 - Please view our 'Meet the Teacher' presentation here.

Children in Year 4 will be taught by Miss Jordan (4J) or Miss Aldridge (4A), their Teaching Assistants are Mrs Cooper and Miss Chamberlain.

In Year 4, our main aim is to develop the children's independence, both at home and in school, ready for Upper Key Stage 2. This is achieved through a wide variety of interesting and exciting topics which range from discovering how Ancient Greek inventions still impact our lives today to finding out what life is like for children living in Norway. Not only do these enthralling topics provide multiple learning opportunities inside the classroom, there are also a wide variety of trips and outdoor experiences to be completed too!

One of the most important aspects of this year is children’s increasing independence and confidence in what they can achieve at school. Your child will be encouraged to start to think about their own learning. They need to make decisions on how to present work, how and when to complete homework, and how to learn best.

Children often ask questions and their teacher will encourage them to think for themselves too. Could they answer the question themselves? Can they make that choice? If they can, then they are learning skills which are vital for Year 5, Year 6, and adult life. That is how their learning changes from the beginning to the end of the year. Should you need to contact any of the Year 4 team throughout the year, please use the emails below:

Miss H. Jordan (Assistant Headteacher): 

Miss O. Aldridge : 


Year 4 Topics

 As part of our knowledge-endowed curriculum, we create Knowledge Organisers for each of our topics, which are shared with the pupils and detail the vocabulary and knowledge that they are expected to gain through that topic:


Autumn 1: What was the impact of the Ancient Greeks?

Autumn 2: Nowhere like Norway

Spring 1: Concord and Conflict

Spring 2: Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Summer 1: Oh, the People You'll Meet!

Summer 2: Roman Around


Year 4 Multiplication Check

During a two week period from Monday 2nd June 2025, all Year 4 pupils are required to complete and online check to assess their fluency with times tables facts.

We held an information meeting about the test and what you can do to help your child on Monday 7th October 2024. Please click the link below to see the PowerPoint shared: 

07.10.24 Meeting