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Year 3 Topics

The contents of this page are revised and updated half-termly and are designed to give pupils the opportunity to further their learning at home.


Depending on the length of a half term a topic may change before the end of the half term or run over into the following half term slightly. This helps us to ensure that children have the opportunities to access a broad and balanced curriculum.

As part of our knowledge-endowed curriculum, we create Knowledge Organisers for each of our topics, which are shared with the pupils and detail the vocabulary and knowledge that they are expected to gain through that topic:

Autumn 1 Knowledge: Ancient Egyptians

Autumn 2 Knowledge: Changing Cannock

Spring 1 Knowledge: From a Rock to a Hard Place_lifestyles

Spring 2 Knowledge: From a Rock to a Hard Place_beliefs

Summer 1 Knowledge: Why are Rivers so Important?

Summer 2 Knowledge: Some Places have their Faults