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Useful Resources

Support for the Summer Break

We know some children can find the unstructured time away from school during the Summer break difficult. Below is a really useful "self-help" kit that primary school children can use. The kit includes a range of activities that children can complete either on their own or with an adult, depending on their age. The aim of the kit is to give children a range of "coping strategies" should they find themselves struggling. 

My Happy Mind Parent Workshop PowerPoint

My Happy Mind Parent App

My Self-care Plan

Other useful resources:

JIGSAW - Stuck at home 

A great website with resources for parents and carers from the Jigsaw Families Programme. The site includes original stories and accompanying "Calm Me Times" with suggested learning activities (5+).

National helplines for adults and children:

A place a child or young person can talk to someone about something they are worried about. They can do this online or over the phone. (call 08001111)

This charity works against child abuse - a helpline is available for parents or other adults concerned about a child (0808 8025544).

The Samaritans  
A confidential helpline which offers support and advice to those in emotional distress.  (call 116 123)

Young Minds Parentline                                                                                           Offers information and advice to anyone worried about a child or young person under the age of 25. (call 0808 802 5544)

Charity working to prevent young suicide with a helpline for those worried about themselves or someone they know (call 0800 068 4141; text 0778 620 9697).

Mental Health Guide for Veterans

This guide gives information regarding mental health, housing and financial support which is available for veterans.

Apps/Tools for children and young people:

Healthy Minds  

Problem-solving tool aimed at students. 

In Hand
An app to help young people through the ups and downs of life; it suggests activities to help based on how you rank your mood.

Female Puberty                                                                                                        This guide will outline the key problems, what’s being done, and how it can be eradicated for good.

Mindshift                                                                                                                    Specifically for young people to help them manage their anxiety. There are lots of tools, techniques and advice. 

An app as well as an online resource which helps children and young people monitor and understand their emotional wellbeing.

Personal Zen  
Games that have been clinically proven to reduce stress. 

Recovery Record
Self-help tool for children and young people suffering from eating disorders.

SAM (Self-Help for Anxiety Management) 
Help with anxiety management which includes interactive games and tools, and an anxiety tracker. 

Stop, Breathe and Think  
Guide to meditation which recommends certain meditations based on how you’re feeling.