St. Luke's Primary School

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St Luke's Science Curriculum

‘For pupils, science is the exploration of the world around them through investigation.’ 

vision and principles document science .pdf

 Our Aim

 At St Luke’s Primary School, we aim for our pupils to explore the world and new concepts through practical learning and exciting experiences.  We want our pupils to become independent thinkers and be able to question the world around them.

 We encourage our pupils to develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding of different areas of science through discussions, practical work, research and written work.

We aim to equip our pupils with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.

 At St Luke’s Primary School, we want our pupils to be able to understand how to explain new and exciting ideas in the world around them.  We encourage our pupils to problem solve and become independent thinkers.  Pupils develop their practical skills to become scientists and learn through their experiences. As they progress through school, they learn to communicate their ideas more independently.

Developing Experts

At St Luke’s Primary School, we used ‘Developing Experts’ to ensure that our curriculum is knowledge-rich as well as developing the pupil’s working scientifically skills. ‘Developing Experts’ provides the children with beautiful images, film clips, songs and much more to ensure that their learning is exciting.

In addition to this, ‘Developing Experts’ also strives to encourage pupils to explore careers that utilise scientific skills and knowledge. Within the pupil’s learning, they will have the opportunity to explore a series of 360-degree tours around industries which allow pupils to explore examples of real working environments. In each stage of learning, pupils will make links and be inspired by science careers.  


 Big Questions

 This year, we have started to implement Big Questions into our science topics so that the pupils can make connections within their learning. At the start of each topic, the pupils will be introduced to the big question and as the topic is taught they will then develop their knowledge. At the end of topic, the pupils will use the knowledge they have gained to formulate an answer to the focus question.


For example

Why can’t I get my flour back? (Year 5 – Changes of Materials)

Where do puddles go? (Year 4 – States of Matter)


Practical Work – Working Scientifically

 Practical work becomes a focus in science. During science lessons, we encourage the pupils to become independent thinkers by discussing key reasoning questions introduced at the start of a topic.  Key vocabulary is reinforced with pupils during lessons; being developed and expanded as the learners move through the school.  Pupils explore new concepts and processes through child-led investigations. This allows the learners to question the world around them and communicate their findings to each other.

Teachers aim to provide practical lessons with a range of investigations and experiments that allow the children to observe, notice patterns, group and classify, compare and explain. Their knowledge of fair testing is enhanced and refined through the year groups. We believe that practical lessons help the learners have a better understanding of new process and concepts in their life.

At St Luke’s Primary School, we want to provide an engaging science lesson.

 What is happening in Science?

 The pupils study a range of different scientists, inventors and inspirational figures during their time at St Luke’s Primary School.

 This year, all the pupils at St Luke’s Primary School will be participating in Science Week where all the children’s learning will develop the theme ‘connections. As part of this curriculum week, the pupils in each year group will participate in activities that will help them achieve their CREST Award by the end of the academic year.