St. Luke's Primary School

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Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

At St Luke's C of E Primary School we our determined to support children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding through every area of the curriculum. Through careful planning of our curriculum, we have ensured that the many daily opportunities for children to grow in this way are recognised and encouraged. As a staff, we have thought about the spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of each curriculum subject and we have created statements to reflect our curriculum philosophy.

Please click on the links below to find out more about how each subject supports the spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth of every child in our school:

Art Computing Design Technology English Geography History Maths Music P.E. Science

In addition to this overarching philosophy, we have given careful thought to how our curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to gain cultural capital.

What do we mean by "Cultural Capital"?

We see cultural capital as being implicit in our daily teaching and learning. It is powerful subject knowledge that gives our pupils academic and intellectual ways of thinking, as well as powerful personal knowledge that gives them the character, dispositions, attitudes and habits to navigate their way through life.

The subject knowledge we plan for is explicit in our Subject provision maps and Knowledge Organisers for each year group. Our plan to develop children's personal knowledge is intrinsic within our School TORCHES values and our Five Ways to Wellbeing: opportunities to develop understanding of these are identified in our medium-term plans. In addition, we have developed a number of "spines" to ensure that pupils are introduced to the best that has been thought and said, details of which can be found below:

St Luke's Music Spine    St Luke's Art SpineSt Luke's Reading Spine