Once your child starts school or Nursery, we offer a before & after school facility which is open from 7.30am to school start and school end to 6.00pm. Children are collected from school and walked back to the setting, where a variety of fun activities are on offer to them including outside play, Wii, TV, board games, arts & crafts and construction toys. Please see the table below for daily fees:
Fee Type Explained |
Amount |
Before School – 07:30 – 08:00 drop off
£9.00 per child / per day (with breakfast) |
Before School – 08:00 – 08:30 drop off |
£7.00 per child / per day (with breakfast) |
After School - 15:20 – 16:00 collection |
£5:50 per child / per day (with snack / fruit) |
After School - 16:00 – 16:30 collection |
£8.00 per child / per day (with snack / fruit)
After School - 16:30 – 17:00 collection |
£10:50 per child / per day (with snack / fruit)
After School - 17:00 – 17:30 collection |
£12:50 per child / per day (with snack / fruit)
After School - 17:30 – 18:00 collection |
£14.00 per child / per day (with snack / fruit)
Charge for late collection If a pupil remains uncollected and the parent/carer has not informed Larks wraparound care, and we have been unsuccessful in reaching any additional contacts, the school will then contact the Social Care Team |
£12 per child for every 15 minutes |
All fees are payable via Parent Pay (cash, cheques and other forms of payment with the exception of Childcare Vouchers are not permitted). Payments (or part-payments) can be made on an ad-hoc basis throughout the school term via Parent Pay, as a running balance of what is owed will be visible under each Parent/Carers Parent Pay account once pupil attendance is recorded by the Club on a weekly basis.
Childcare vouchers and tax-free childcare payments are accepted by Larks wraparound care. Use of either of these means of payment must be communicated via email to wraparound@st-lukes-cannock.staffs.sch.uk or by calling 01543 227451 before any payments are made to the School Bank Account by the Parent/Carers designated Childcare Voucher/tax free childcare Scheme.
Once payments via Childcare Vouchers/tax free funds have been made to the School Bank Account, the paid amount will be debited from the running total listed on the Parent/Carers Parent Pay account.
Whether paying directly via Parent Pay or via Childcare Vouchers, all balances must be fully cleared by the end of each term so as to secure a place for your child at the Club the following term. We will send out an email reminder at the end of each term to ensure Parents/Carers are informed to clear their balances before the start of the next term.
Failure to settle debts via Parent Pay/Childcare Vouchers by the end of each term will result in non-admittance to the Club the following term until all debts have been settled in full.
Please note that this means that Parents/Carers who have an outstanding debt against their account will need to make alternative arrangements for their child.
Failure to settle debts after non-admittance to the provision may result in legal action to recover outstanding debts.
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