St. Luke's Primary School

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Our School Aims

We aim to develop individuals who are:

  • Motivated to achieve their best at all times in knowledge, skills and understanding of the world
  • Enthusiastic, resilient and  hardworking
  • Equipped with the skills to direct and manage their own learning
  • Excited by challenge and demonstrate a thirst and enjoyment for school life
  • Offered a range of learning opportunities both within and beyond the classroom environment
  • Encouraged to consider a healthy and active lifestyle

These aims will be achieved by:

  • Promoting the highest standards of teaching and learning so that all children have the opportunity to become successful independent learners
  • Providing a curriculum which meets statutory requirements, yet is tailored for the needs of our school and community, building on very best practice and one which is constantly being reviewed and improved upon
  • Continually developing the skills and expectations of all staff in order to ensure we deliver the very best opportunities for our learners
  • Creating a school where good behaviour and positive relations are expected all of the time and where discipline is addressed in a fair and consistent manner.
  • Valuing and nurturing the partnerships which exist in the school. Encouraging all to take an active part in promoting lifelong-learning, celebrating achievements and sharing in success.