Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RSE and HE) at St. Luke’s
We are currently carrying out a review of our RSE, PSHE and HE curriculum. Please click the button for a copy of our Parent Consultation document
From September 2020 it has been a statutory requirement that all primary schools deliver a RSE curriculum. At St.Luke’s we have spent time carefully considering a suitable provider and program of study to follow. The government-backed PSHE Association support The Christopher Winters Project, who are the UK’s leading providers in RSE education. We are fortunate that one of our own members of staff (Mrs.Gleeson) is fully trained in delivering their resources.
Staff have already taken part in training on these materials and your child's class teacher will be delivering three lessons in RSE at an appropriate time during the Spring term of this academic year. Each year group will let parents know when this will take place. This will allow you to have important conversations with your child at home based around what they have learnt and talked about in school.
These lessons will focus on key aspects of PSHE, such as family relationships, personal hygiene, the human life cycle, and similarities and differences between boys and girls. The content and materials have been carefully designed to be appropriate for each age group and to address the needs of all children in the class.
The RSE year group objectives are as follows:
If you would like to discuss any of the objectives or have a look at the resources please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher.
Click on the icon above to discover more about our school conversation on dealing with emotions
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