P.E. Curriculum
In encouraging a future generation to be healthy and consider daily exercise in their lives, we have developed a curriculum which reflects our agreed vision for a fit and healthy future nation.
Our formal curriculum is well-designed, relevant, purposeful and supplemented by outstanding enrichment opportunities. This guarantees breadth, balance and progression and is detailed in the documents below. This ensures every pupil makes progress from their personal starting point in their skills, knowledge and understanding.
Our pupils participate willingly and respond positively to the sporting, creative and cultural opportunities provided. They are engaged, motivated and can explain accurately and confidently how to keep themselves healthy.
They make informed choices about healthy eating, fitness and their emotional and mental well being. Pupils understand how Physical Education can make a difference to their confidence, self-esteem, behaviour and attitude.
Our P.E. Lead, Senior Leaders and Governors monitor the use of PE Sports Premium; measuring its impact on outcomes. Leaders are rigorously held account.
We have developed a vision for our future - building on our current high quality provision and aiming to enhance our current offerings.
We share below our 2020 Vision / Impact Report and our current Policy for PE.
PE and Sport Premium Funding 2020-21
St Luke's PE Policy 2020-21
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