St. Luke's Primary School

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Maths Curriculum




At St Luke’s, we aim to foster children’s mathematical understanding and help all learners develop a confident, skilled, and resilient approach to all aspects of Maths. Guided by the wisdom of God, our school community works collaboratively to provide aspirational approaches to learning, ensuring that every child flourish and reach their God-given potential.


Recognising that mathematics is integral to everyday life, we strive to cultivate a healthy and enthusiastic attitude towards learning that will endure throughout the children’s school journeys and beyond. At every stage of learning, students at St Luke’s are actively supported to reach their full potential as mathematicians. We believe that by instilling a passion for mathematics, we empower our children not only to individually excel in their learning, but also to appreciate its relevance and application in all areas of life.


What does Maths at St Luke's look like?


At St Luke's we follow the National Curriculum and teach this through the use of White Rose, ensuring children are given the opportunities to master mathematical concepts.


Fluency in mathematics encompasses not only the ability to perform calculations with accuracy, but also the capacity to apply these skills in various contexts. A key component of this fluency is the automatic recall of number facts, enabling learners to solve problems efficiently and with confidence.


Particularly, the mastery of times tables plays a pivotal role in achieving mathematical fluency. Proficient knowledge of multiplication and division facts lays a robust foundation for more complex operations and problem-solving strategies. As students progress through their mathematical journey, this foundational knowledge empowers them to tackle higher-order concepts with greater ease. Ultimately, our commitment to developing fluency and automaticity ensures that all learners can engage meaningfully with mathematics, fostering a lifelong appreciation and understanding of the subject.


For more information on how we teach Maths at St Luke's, please have a look at our Maths and Calculation policies below.


Maths Policy 2024 Calculation Policy 2024 

Please click on the links below to look at the Maths long-term plans for each year group. (EYFS and Year 6 coming soon)



Year 1Year 2Year 3

Year 4Year 5



Useful websites to support Maths:



Maths Zone          Top Marks          BBC Bitesize          NRICH         Math is fun