Curriculum Planning
At St Luke's our curriculum has been carefully planned to ensure that as pupils move through the school, their learning builds upon previously taught knowledge and skills. In order to do this, we have identified knowledge categories within each curriculum subject and planned progression in these throughout Key Stages 1 and 2. This progression is mapped out in the topic overviews below, as well as in individual subject provision maps:
Year 1 Topics and Key Knowledge Categories
Year 2 Topics and Key Knowledge Categories
Year 3 Topics and Key Knowledge Categories
Year 4 Topics and Key Knowledge Categories
Year 5 Topics and Key Knowledge Categories
Year 6 Topics and Key Knowledge Categories
Medium term plans across the school help to ensure that our TORCHES values and curriculum drivers remain an integral part of how we teach and make the learning intent of each topic clear. These are based on the school curriculum plan.
The implementation of our curriculum plan is reviewed half-termly by the Curriculum lead and the implications of this are shared with staff in order to ensure that essential learning takes place.
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