After School Clubs
Pupils here at St.Luke's have many additional learning opportunities outside of the classroom.
Some of these take place After School, some take place during the school day.
Current after school clubs and enrichment opportunities include the following:
- Glee Dancing (Years 3,4,5,6)
- Happy Feet Dancing (Years Reception, 1,2)
- Cheerleading Squad (Years 4,5,6)
- Keyboard Club (Years 3,4,5,6)
- Hockey (Spring term)
- Cricket (Summer term)
- Maypole Dancing (Summer term)
- Fresh Air Gym Football (Years 1-6)
- Fresh Air Gym Holiday Sports Camps (Years 1-6)
- Let's Move (alternates between the year groups)
- Lego Club (Thursday)
- Steel Pans (Year 5,6)
- Choir (Year 3,4,5,6)
- Spanish Club
- Art Club (6 week sessions alternate between the year groups)
- Gardening Club
- Thursday Sports Club (TSC)
- Percussion Club (Autumn 2 and Spring 2 for Year 2)
- Mindfulness (Various years)
Clubs are planned to be appropriate for different ages, due to this, not all clubs are available to every year group. Parents will receive further information from class teachers about the clubs open to their child each term.
Click on the links in the Clubs tab at the top of the page to find out more.
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