St. Luke's Primary School

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Christian Distinctiveness

Christian values underpin all school life. Within the ethos of its Christian foundation, our school seeks to foster the full potential of every child by:

  • Promoting the pupils’ spiritual and moral development
  • Engendering a feeling of self-worth
  • Valuing high standards of teaching and learning
  • Creating a safe and happy environment for learning
  • Fostering a respect for others and for the world about them
  • Creating a partnership with parents and families
  • Playing a role within the village and wider community.



Children and staff participate in a daily act of collective worship. Regular visits from Rev. Marie, Rev Vicky as well as other local clergy enhance our worship in school. We celebrate special occasions at St. Luke's Church visiting at least once a term for a service. Parents are invited to join our acts of worship for parental services and special sharing services.

Parents who wish to withdraw their children from attendance at religious worship are asked to discuss this with the Headteacher, so that alternative arrangements can be made


As a Church school, we aim to provide pupils with the wisdom, knowledge and the skills they need to navigate our complex, often daunting world. This includes equipping them with academic capabilities, creativity and emotional intelligence

As a Church school, we educate for hope and aspiration - paramount in working with children - this involves communicating that some of the negative experiences and wrong doings within our world need not have the 'last word' and offering thoughts of hope, healing, repair and renewal.

As a Church school, we intend to provide a happy and hospitable community that seeks to embody an ethos of living well together - a place where all are welcome.

As a Church school, we aim to educate in a way that cherishes the dignity and respect of each person. This is rooted in the Christian theological insight that each one of us is made in the image of God.

As a Church school - we aim to serve the common good and equip each child to flourish and grow in our challenging and uncertain world.